While writing “Shield Maiden” in 2017, the #Metoo Movement was at full tilt boogie. I had a moment where I thought that women warriors were irrelevant. That moment was incredibly short lived. Yours truly was temporarily deluded by hope and denial. The truth is that women warriors are needed now more than ever.
Marginalized people have gained so much in the last few decades. But the current back-sliding of civil rights is terrifying. Our most vulnerable people are at risk. There are amazing white men in power attempting to stave off this tsunami of degradation. Even more powerful are the heroes from the marginalized population. These are the voices that carry. These are the voices we need to hear. “Shield Maiden” represents my very humble attempt to add volume to the uproar.
Panel Discussions
We need a howling chorus to affect change. Post show panel discussions take the theatrical experience of “Shield Maiden” and demonstrate the power and possibility of modern day women warriors. The panel discusses topics from the play. We cover sexism, gender bias, sexual freedom, trauma and more.
The women warriors on our panels are real life super She-roes. Black belts, politicians, therapists, business leaders, researchers, and artists to name a few. Sheila Norgate is a visual artist and performance artist who boldly states that “the risk of flying without a net finally became smaller than the risk of never having flown at all.”. She inspires so many women to find creative expression despite their fears. Sheila Malcomson is the MLA for the Nanaimo, BC riding. As a politician, Sheila works hard for women, indigenous people and environmental rights. As a human, she encourages women to take positions of leadership.
It’s important to me as the play’s creator that the message NOT end when the curtain drops. Interested in bringing “Shield Maiden” to a theatre near you? Inspired to rally warrior women for a post show panel discussion? Please contact us for more information.