A friend of mine said that as an artist, you’re a conduit; the message comes through you. Just to be clear, I don’t feel like a warrior most of the time. I was raised to be the consummate caretaker. I’m a nurturer by habit and by trade. But this story’s character and message came through me despite my discomfort stepping fully into Ingrid’s warrior boots.
Ingrid is not someone you can just trot out and then hang back up in the closet. It is so liberating to inhabit her. I wish I could go to the grocery store as her. Some days, in my mind, I do. Part of what I love about her is that the messages she conveys are so timely despite the fact that she is a 10th century character. But the message is now. The global political climate, the #metoo movement, social justice issues, environmental issues and raising my daughter; all these things give weight to this project today.
I want to shine a light on women warriors of today. I want women to know they can dig deep and find the warrior spirit within. Every time I book the show, we offer a post show artist’s talk. Sometimes local women warriors join me on stage to share what it’s like to be a woman warrior now. Often, audience members have the chance to reflect and share how the play impacted them. This is incredibly rewarding to me and to the audience members.
I am humbled and grateful and overwhelmed to receive feedback from women and men who have been powerfully impacted by the play. I don’t take this role lightly at all. I work hard to step up to be my very own bad ass warrior self in life and on stage. It’s the least I can do to honour Ingrid. It’s the least I can do to honour all women warriors. Sköl!