Happy New Year Warriors! Today is New Year’s Eve, 2018. I’m slowing down for a moment to look back and reflect on the year and how it unfolded for me.
We are all fighting for something. Some of you made that move to change jobs. Maybe you stood up to an abusive partner or co-worker. Did you decide to finally take more time for yourself when you feel pulled in a million different directions? None of it’s easy. All of it takes extreme courage. I have been so inspired by people sharing their warrior ways with me this year.
As I reflect back on my year, the big stand out for me IS courage and how hard that stuff is to come by. When we finally find some, it is monumentally hard to keep it out in the open. I tend to want to stuff it back into a little hidey hole somewhere. But this year, I’ve had to keep the courage machine pumping…non stop. Oh, I get afraid and want to quit. But for the first time in a long while, I am able to get back out in front of my fears and move forward.
For me, courage came from writing my play, “Shield Maiden”. I’d love to share the play with you. Check the show schedule for venues and times. It gets updated regularly. I’ve got some exciting ones coming up on Gabriola and in Austin, Texas for Frontera Fest.
I could not have found an ounce of courage without the character the play is built around. I’m talking about the amazing, bad ass Viking warrior, Ingrid. Ingrid is so clear. She knows herself. She is uncompromising. The tag line of my play has become my mantra…”Fierce, Sexy, Funny, Uncompromising”. I am sure that if I say it enough times, it will become true. Like Dorothy repeating “There’s no place like home.” Maybe it’s true already. That’s the gift of courage I think. You don’t even know you’ve had it till you look back and reflect. So, here I am. Reflecting. Happy New Year, Warriors!