Touring with Shield Maiden

touring with shield maiden

It’s time for another instalment of touring with Shield Maiden!

Team SM is hitting the road again, this time it’s a big one! With a show on hometown turf, Gabriola as a kick off date, Melanie and production manager, Sandy Cumberland, make their way to the Vancouver area. We have one night in Surrey then a run of shows in Coquitlam.

Touring with Shield Maiden is always a joy. We usually kick every tour off with a ferry across the Salish Sea. For me, that always feels like like an official start. Both Sandy and I live on islands so it feels like a true Viking foray starting every tour with a boat.

The costume and set pieces for the show are minimal which makes the show “light on its feet”. That’s theatre speak for easy to load in and out. The entire costume fits in one suitcase. Well, except for the sword. We had the shield modified to fold and fit into a suitcase and that’s how we’ve travelled with it to date. For this round, I’m going to rent a sword and Shield from the National Theatre of London once we hit that big city.

Touring with Shield Maiden is one of the best parts of this show for me. I love new theatre communities. The tech crew and management are always so kind and helpful and so far, they have done nothing but show love for the show and gratitude that we brought fresh, challenging material to their audiences.

This tour has brought support from local theatres as well as from the High Commission of Canada. They are providing extra financial support to Artdepot for our London show. But that is only the tip of the iceberg of support they have provided to me as an artist.

Touring with Shield Maiden has been a challenge as well as a gift. I am self produced which means I pay for it all. And I am lucky! The show has been successful enough over the last seven years to cover most of its own costs. That is rare in the arts world. Especially since covid. The High Commission has offered invaluable advice and helped me make connections that will ensure future tours across the UK. As well, the consulates all talk with each other. My hope for the years to come included touring with Shield Maiden to Nordic countries and beyond.

I have been so fortunate. Live performance has changed my life and brought so many people across my path that I would never have encountered. What a gift! Try to catch the show if you can. It is my absolute joy and privilege to share it with each of you. Sköl!

Even Warriors Need Rest

Even warriors need rest. Shield Maiden is taking a summer break from touring and performing. Our team has been so grateful for all the opportunities and interest in the play.

I am taking a break from performing. but the reasons why I created Shield Maiden are still real and present dangers. Women’s rights, safety and autonomy are being challenged to a greater degree today and that is very hard to deal with. Even the themes from Shield Maiden seem to be more relevant today than when the play was first written.

One of the main themes is rage; what it looks like, who gets to express it, what costs come with expressing it.

A recent article in The Guardian titled “All the rage:women are furious – and repressing it can ruin our lives” highlights the very real consequences of inequality on women. It’s a great article and I hope you take the time to give it a read. We keep fighting the good fight. We keep standing up for ourselves at work, at home, in our art, and it is exhausting. And even if we are privileged enough to express our rage we know so many other women are not safe to get angry. Male violence is on the rise and women are the victims. And this is exhausting. I feel compelled to shout even louder from even more hilltops. But allowing rage to go unchecked is dangerous itself. For me, I lose focus. It impacts my show and my relationships. After hitting a wall I realize even warriors need rest.

even warriors need rest, shield maiden, canadian performer, feminist, feminist art
resting with pets = good medicine

I decided to take the summer off. Our daughter just graduated from high school and moved out (yes, it’s a very big deal). Our family dog of 13 years died. We started a new business. All these things were a year in the making but they all happened at once. Luckily, I didn’t have a nervous breakdown (would you blame me if I did?). I did however realize that I needed time to connect with friends and family. I needed to slow down and take a breath.

I have been performing Shield Maiden since 2018.

I love being the character Ingrid. I love her more today than I did in the beginning. Stepping into this role has gifted me with the opportunity to explore rage in a way I NEVER would have before. It has been very hard to crack the nice girl veneer that was cemented into me by family and society from early on. I still am that nice girl. However, I am now more honest with myself and those around me. I have better boundaries that are easier to maintain. But I have to be honest. – it’s also been exhausting.

I think being a human right now is exhausting.

I’m not special in that way. This is a weird time. So, I have laid my swords down. I am stepping away from the battle temporarily and I have retreated to my sweet little homestead to regroup, swim in the ocean and rest.

I hope that you can rest a little too. I know everyone’s situation is different and perhaps a rest looks like stepping into a cool library to read a magazine. Maybe it’s as simple as watching a show on Netflix that makes you giggle. I think any attempt we can make to take a break is monumental. I will say it again…even warriors need rest. Recharge the batteries. Get ready. The fight is long and far from over.

Until next time, stay tuned for updates. Because let’s be honest, of course I’ve been working behind the scenes on something big for Shield Maiden. But now, rest. Sköl! To resting!

2024 Pacific Contact

Shield Maiden hits the stage in Kelowna, BC at the 2024 Pacific Contact.

Pacific Contact is an amazing opportunity that connects artists with presenters in British Columbia and beyond. Four days of conferences, meetings, performances and opportunities.

This year, Shield Maiden has been invited to showcase in the Short5’s. This is a great opportunity to pitch the play to many folks at once. In addition, we will have a booth #26 in the Contact Room. Come by and say hello!

2024 pacific contact, kelowna, shield maiden,

Shield Maiden FAQ

Shield Maiden FAQ helps presenters and audience members understand what Shield Maiden is all about. Let us know if you have other questions!

This show looks fiercely feminist in content, are men welcome?

Yes! Men are definitely welcome. Many men have women in their lives that they admire and care deeply about. This play gives them a new way to appreciate the strengths and challenges of the women they know.

What does fiercely feminist in content actually mean?

To the me, the playwright, fiercely feminist means saying what needs to be said. Not tiptoeing around hard conversations about gender equity, women’s sexual freedoms, and women’s rage.

Women’s rage…what is that…like the “Karens” I see on TikTok?

Nope. Not like the Karen’s on TikTok. Rage and anger are normal human emotions but women typically aren’t allowed to express these emotions without being severely corrected. Most of the Karen’s we see on social media are privileged white women. It’s one thing to throw a tantrum because you don’t have enough foam on your latte. It’s an entirely different thing to fight for human rights and equality. For many women, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC folks, rage can be dangerous. In some cases, deadly. This play explores what deep, raw, female rage looks like and lets the audience experience that.

Um, how do I experience that rage as an audience member?

It can potentially trigger folks for whom expressing their rage was dangerous or punishable. The character in the play lives in a different time, 1000 years ago. Rage, men’s and women’s, was potentially a tool to help with survival. Women still don’t have equal wage parity, sexual abuse and murders of women is on the rise globally, women’s autonomy over their reproductive choices are getting rolled back, etc.

I thought the #MeToo movement would stop all that nonsense, but nope. So, I get up on stage and channel the rage that many folks (regardless of gender) feel about the erasure of human rights globally.

Okay, cool, what about the strong themes and language?

Yep. The play definitely has that. The character is sweary and comfortable with her sexuality. And she has no problems talking about her experiences as a victim of sexual assault. Remember, she is a battle tested warrior from 1000 years ago. The expectations around her language and sexuality may have been different.

Wait, how do you know what women warriors said and felt 1000 years ago?

That is a great question! And my answer is I don’t know, and neither do you! Theatre allows us to play with the “what ifs” and possibilities. the Vikings did not have a written language so we rely on artifacts to tell and shape their story. Here is a link to the origin story of Ingrid. They thought she was a male warrior for over 100 years. DNA testing proves she was female. I’m comfortable filling in blanks in history…or rather herstory!

Why should I stay for the talk back session after the show?

The talk back session is a great container for any of the feelings that may come up for you during the show. You get to ask me, the playwright/performer questions. The venue and I invite a local woman warrior (business leaders, politicians, academics, scientists, etc) up on stage with me post show. We talk about her relationship to themes from the play. You also have the chance to hear audience members ask questions or make statements that are meaningful to you too. It’s a very common and widely popular value added experience.

Thanks for taking the time to read the Shield Maiden FAQ! See you in the theatre. Skol!

Shield Maiden in Powell River, BC

Had a great time this past weekend when we performed Shield Maiden in Powell River at the Max Cameron Theatre!

Ingrid took the stage for International Women’s Day, March 8th.

shield maiden, shield maiden play, max cameron theatre, powell river, international women's day, live theatre, shield maiden in powell river

We had a great, rowdy crowd with a powerful talk back session steered by Ann Kurtz, the Executive Director of Powell River & Region Transition House Society/Powell River Community Services Association (Together known as qathet SAFE).

The highlight was an opening and land acknowledment by the Tla amin warrior drumming sisters. They made the space sacred and brought in all the ancestors for us that night. Video highlights of that coming soon!

Shield Maiden at WIN Awards Nanaimo

Shield Maiden at WIN Awards Nanaimo was a success! Ingrid came out in full force to address a 630 seat crowd at the Nanaimo Convention Centre on February 7th. The gala was a spectacular success and was captured on film by Rogers Television.

Event organizer Blaise Hunter asked playwright/performer Melanie Teichroeb to participate and reflect warrior spirit back to the city’s collection of women leaders. In character as Ingrid Larsdottir, a 10th century Viking warrior, Melanie rallied the troops in attendance. She stayed around afterwards for photo ops and heard women reflect back how inspired they were. The men that came up to Teichroeb expressed gratitude for the inspirational message that they saw impact their female partners.

No matter what venue, size of stage, make up of audience, the message of Melanie Teichroeb’s solo show, Shield Maiden, lands loudly and proudly. Women are fighters. Women must continue to fight for equity, visibility and for the rights of marginalized people. Also, Ingrid honoured where we all are on our estrogen journey. It was a powerful moment.

shield maiden, shield maiden play, win awards nanaimo, win awards, nanaimo, melanie teichroeb, feminist play, feminist

Shield Maiden at WIN Awards Nanaimo

Shield Maiden at The Anvil in New Westminster

new westminster, anvil theatre, new westminster british columbia, shield maiden, shield maiden play,

Saturday, December 16th at 7:30pm at the beautiful Anvil Theatre in New Westminster, BC.

Presented by Anvil Theatre
Written and performed by Melanie Teichroeb

“Funny. Sexy. Fierce. Unapologetic!

Imagine a 10th century Viking TED Talk on what it means to be a Viking warrior woman. As Garrison Commander Ingrid Larsdottir comedically endeavors to engage new recruits, she inadvertently reveals her own tragic and violent personal history. Watching her struggle with her trauma is unsettling. Witnessing her tap into her inner strength is inspiring. Ingrid’s clarion call for equality and new recruits prevails! She empowers women to reclaim the warrior archetype in our modern world.

This modern feminist story uses a character from the past to expose the reality that not enough has changed in the treatment of women since the time of Vikings…one thousand years ago. The show challenges untruths about women and gendered expectations and is based on an historical character who history gaslit the hell out of.

This performance of Shield Maiden at the Anvil theatre in New Westminster will be followed by a post show discussion with Jessica Schneider (ED of Massey Theatre Society). So stick around and dig a little deeper into Shield Maiden’s themes and we take questions from the audience. Folks seem to appreciate having a little more time with Ingrid!

Shield Maiden Marketing

Shield Maiden marketing has been focused from the start. A consistent package, brand, message and imagery proves this powerful one woman show delivers what it promises.

With clear and brilliant photography from Bill Pope Photography, HA Photo, and video captures by Port Theatre and Mitch Miller, Shield Maiden is ready to market to your audiences.

Audiences everywhere are coming back to theatre in full force and they are hungry for new, innovative and exciting theatre. Shield Maiden delivers all that and more. Contact us today for bookings. With professional and ready to go content, Shield Maiden marketing is easy to package. Give your theatre audience what they are ready for.


Written and Performed by Melanie Teichroeb

SHIELD MAIDEN is funny, sexy, fierce and unapologetic!

Imagine a 10th century Viking TED Talk on what it means to be a Viking warrior woman. As Garrison Commander Ingrid Larsdottir comedically endeavours to engage new recruits, she inadvertently reveals her own tragic and violent personal history. Watching her struggle with her trauma is unsettling. Witnessing her tap into her inner strength is inspiring. Ingrid’s clarion call for equality and new recruits wins! She empowers women to reclaim the warrior archetype in a substantive way.

This modern feminist story uses a character from the past to expose the sad reality that not enough has changed in the treatment of women since the time of Vikings…one thousand years ago. 

The show challenges untruths about women and gendered expectations and is based on an historical character who history gaslit the hell out of. 

Shield Maiden 2023 Pacific Contact

What a great conference for Shield Maiden at 2023 Pacific Contact! Thank you BC Touring Council for a wonderful opportunity.! Thank you BC Touring Council for a wonderful opportunity to connect and spend time with presenters, artists and agent/managers from all parts of BC. Our booth was incredible thanks to images by Dirk Heydeman and Bill Pope and folks loved getting their photo taken with Ingrid and her bad ass swords.

This conference was a true success for the show. Melanie and Sandy networked with presenters from the Vancouver area all the way up to the near and far north. What an amazing group of humans dedicated to bringing live performance to all parts of BC.

The impacts of Covid were still keenly felt. Performers and presenters are all trying to carve a new path back to success. For Shield Maiden 2023 Pacific Contact was empowering to strategize, recognize and share experiences.

Stay tuned for more information because the 2024/2025 Touring season is shaping up!

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